Monday, January 10, 2011

Taita Taveta People Speak

Through our popular Facebook page, 'Taita Taveta County', we asked our people what problem really ails our region despite it being so rich in minerals. To be exact, we asked the following question, "Why is it that a region rich in natural resources like ours still has people languishing in abject poverty?" Many responded and below are some of the answers. Feel free to continue with the debate right here and have your say.

Manuel Mghanga commented noting that natural resourses were being used by outsiders and locals get nothing in return.

But Matonge Matonge differed with Manuel stating that its time we stopped looking at people like outsiders. Says he, "No comunity can exist in isolation. Problems in Taita Taveta are much more deeply rooted than that; we should desist from simplistic analyses."

Mwake Githinji brought in an interesting perspective, that of the misconception of the venture being evil in some ways. Also, people are not willing to take risks.while mining remains a risky affair. Finally, those who have ventured in it face issues with the land owners/ ranch owners especially when the mine becomes productive.

Lenus Zua Nduu Babu went straight to the point and listed what he thought the problem is, as below:-
  • By locking you out of the MARKET through poor infrastructure ensures that others benefit economically
  • No costs you to travel to town to secure education if any what if no relative in town.....'kwawuya madude'
  • Everyone who 'saw the light' runs away from the rest
  • No leadership and incase the community tried somethin who follows up?

Ken Papaa and Abby Rita put the blame on our leaders who they say have failed to ensure that the area has basic infrastructure  that works.

Elbado Willy however blamed it all on Taita Taveta people. He says, "The problem lies within ourselves, we have failed to take up the challenges and face the realities. Thanks to the last demonstration on poor road status, am sure Taita Taveta people are getting enlightened, watch this space. Lets put education on the forefront i guess that's where we are lagging behind and lets stop the blame game, let each and every Taita Taveta person take it to himself or herself and fight, and others will join them, soon we will find ourselves fighting on the same course. "

Join our Facebook group and take part in the conversations. 

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