Sunday, November 7, 2010

Patrick Mwashighadi Takes A Critical Look at the Issues Affecting Taita Taveta County

Our first concern should be the environment, very little will be achieved if the few natural resource like water catchment areas are ruthlessly ravaged, when will the the scarce rains and the persistent famine be ever dealt with? Isn't famine another word for poverty?


One other issue that will address the problems of the people in the county is taking a stern look at the declining water resources and give it a radical approach. I submit that we can first start by mapping the whole county to identify the wetlands catchment and water areas and design a 10 year plan to relocate those who have settled therein while we aggressively plan trees to restore forests in such areas. This should in the long term slowly restore water in the county. and we need to stop give leap service to the good plans we, many times, come up with, we need to be pragmatic.


Patrick Mwashighadi on Facebook


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