Monday, January 3, 2011

Felix Mwawasi's take on the Taita Hero, Mwangeka wa Malowa

The piece on Mwangeka wa Malowa is wonderful narration there about our Taita Legendary hero! Many stories abound about this man, in fact, legends have been told about him already. I have always wanted information about this hero: where did the British take his body? Can we claim his remains from the British government today?

I always say that the history taught in our Kenyan schools today is, to a great extent,
a pack of lies; that the MAUMAU fought for Kenyan's independence! They fought for their own land just as the Taita's under Mwangeka, fought for Taita land. Prominence should therefore be given equally to all freedom fighters, and not only the likes of Dedan Kimathi!


  1. Spot on Felix. History as currently taught in schools is biased towards some regions. Independence struggle was not about freedom for this nation but some selfish gains for some communities! Mwangeka is a true Taita Legend. No doubt about that. Our Taita legal experts need to raise a case against the British government at to the whereabout of Mwangeka remains. He deserves a decent burial in the land he died fighting for...

  2. The rest of Kenya doesn't know anything about Mwangeka. I am a Taita but I never knew about Mwangeka either. It is therefore upto us to bring this important part of history back into the limelight. The government is not going to do it for us (why should they??).

  3. Good points there; Mkaya & Godfrey. So it boils down to us to take charge! Can the three of us do something about it? Even if it is calling attention to it? Think about it guys...

  4. well as much as we have our hearts in good place, just wanted to ask this; who is 'our' hero today? writing tomorrow's history? who is fighting for land,or even a paragraph in history books for schools? lets do that. this world will never be flat so that all are on the same level while standing on the bare ground.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. There more fascinating stories to be told from Mbale Iriwa.About the white settler who built the church and school called Dr Maynard .The whites who intermarried with the orignal mbaleans like the mwailengos ets the historical story houses bulit for chief thomas.figinyi and the fighi(mtero)why their are many beautiful (pawapwa) light skin woman yani waka wa chokwa mbale.We need these untold stories be revealed to us.The article was awa
